ICT Botão da engrenagem de couro com polainas de mudança de couro, serve para:
Porsche 911 Typ 996 1997 – 2006 em qualidade OEM in em couro real
Conteúdo da entrega: manete de mudanças com polainas + estrutura de suporte de plástico + Chave sextavada
------- Por favor, assista ao vídeo de instalação, se disponível. ▶ a-------
Excellent quality and I got the orange and it matched up perfect with the rest of the lighting
ICT made a custom order to match OEM gaiter and knob finish. The look, feel and finish exceeded OEM quality! Shipping from Germany to Oregon was extremely quick. Highly recommended!
Ich würde sie bitte um Hilfe bei der Auswahl der LED Farbei ersuchen. Ich habe Orange gewählt. Benötige den Schaltkauf für einen Porsche 996.
Bitte entscheiden Sie aus ihrer Erfahrung, welche Farbe, Organe oder Gelb, besser passt.
Porsche 911 Type 996 shift knob orange
Excellent quality and I got the orange and it matched up perfect with the rest of the lighting